Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Presentation Tools

    While this may label me as being far out of the technological loop, I must admit that I have never used or seen another presentation tool other than PowerPoint. Thus, I was very intrigued by the in-class demonstration of various presentation tools. I was very intrigued by the varying aspects of Glogster and Prezi. While examining the different aspects that these tools allow one to use, I discovered that I like the flexibility within both of them to visually express ideas. The creativeness of Prezi was definitely a plus for me, but I also appreciated how large of a canvas you can create on Glogster to display a unified idea, but also break it down into smaller parts. Another aspect of both presentation tools that appealed to me was the ability to easily embed multiple medias into the presentation while still creating a cohesive project overall.
    In terms of teaching, I think that both of these tools could offer valuable benefits to me in a classroom setting. I feel as though PowerPoints have become standard in the presentation world and many students are used to having information presented to them in that manner. So, using a tool like Glogster or Prezi, I think, could re-engage an audience by presenting information in a different manner, especially since both have the capability to show an overall picture while still being able to access the important details. I also like the fact that presentations using both tools can be made accessible to the students so that they are able to reference them outside of the classroom as well. However, I also struggle to see how these tools are particularly beneficial to me in my current position in a setting where technology is very limited and many of my students do not have access to the internet outside of the school setting.

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